Hi, I'm Paul 🐮
I'm a fullstack dev who likes to build my own tools. This website is my digital notebook.
Feel free to get in touch!
📝 Latest Notes
Easily downloading and running old Chrome versions
Low-Hanging Fruits of JS build and test times
AWS Cognito and Amplify auth for React apps (without the Amplify CLI)
Career directions in the age of AI
📅 Tiny Calendar
Useful GitHub Draft PR workflow
A note-taking app that you can program like Excel...
🌎 MapGuesser.com
Testing large React applications
Fixing VSCode "go to definition" in webpack projects
Job hunting 2024
Code quality and engineering practices checklist
SpacedAWS Devlog
Building Your Own Tools - BelfastJS
Automatically running LLMs at startup on Mac
Advice on building production applications in Gatsby in 2023
Shiny Black Boxism
CodeSpaces - Beyond Local Dev
🔖 PromptMarker
Notarizing Electron Apps for MacOS
📅 Obsidian Notes Dater
Auto-formatting JS with ESlint and VSCode
The next step in my career
🦁 Time Tamer
Adding custom electron app icons on Mac with electron-build
MacBook secondary monitor not waking from sleep solved 💻
Starting with AWS and the Serverless Framework
Local outlier factor from scratch in Python