Notarizing Electron Apps for MacOS

Notarizing is an automated process by Apple that ensures your application is safe and compatible with MacOS. It involves sending a copy of your app to Apple's system, and then waiting for a response to hopefully say all is good.

All MacOS apps must be code-signed and notarized or else users won't be able to install them.


Before you can notarize your app, you need to join the Apple Developer Program which costs €100/year (a not-so-nice gatekeeping measure from Apple). Then you'll need to set up some Apple Developer Program certificates in your Keychain. This RocketRide blog post is a helpful guide through this painful process.

Mercifully these steps are a one-time ordeal for your first MacOS app. For subsequent apps, electron-builder should handle code-signing as part of its build process so long as your Keychain credentials are set up correctly.


The Electron Notarize npm module is helpful here. To use the module create the files notarize.js and .env. You must add .env to your .gitignore file as it contains secrets that you don't want to commit to your GitHub repo.


const { notarize } = require('@electron/notarize');

async function packageTask () {
	const options = {
		appBundleId: '', // Unique ID in form `com.paultreanor.promptmarker`
		appPath: './path/to/yourAppName.dmg', // Probably in `/release` or `/dist`
		appleId: process.env.APPLE_ID, // Should be an email
		appleIdPassword: process.env.APPLE_ID_PASSWORD, // Read electron/notarize README doc (app specific password)
		teamId: process.env.TEAM_ID
	// Log your options to make sure everything looks OK - be careful as this will print your secrets
	try {
		await notarize(options);
		console.log("Notarization complete")
		} catch (error) {
		console.error("Error during notarization: ", error);



You'll need to follow these instructions to create an app specific password. Just write in the name of your app and you'll get a 16 digit password for it.

Fill in the options arguments and then run the script after running your build process:

npm run build
node notarize.js

This can take a few minutes to run and you'll either get an error message from Apple or it will run successfully.

Verification and Stapling

You can check that your file is notarized correctly by running the following:

spctl -a -t exec -vv YourApp.dmg

You can staple the notarization ticket directly to your dmg file so it can be verified by Apple even if the user installs it offline:

xcrun stapler staple "YourApp.dmg"

These commands also work with .app files if you'd rather distribute those instead.

And there you have it, now you can distribute your app for people to download and install it 👏